Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Well, three positive pregnancy tests is fairly definitive. I had my first symptom the other day - I was sitting watching tv and hubby told me I'd gone very red in the face. I was getting a pregnancy flush - made me feel actually preggers, which was quite exciting.

I went to see the doctor's yesterday. It was rubbish. I kind of knew it would be, having read up on first doctor visits. She asked me if I had taken a pregnancy test, and if I was happy about it, and then got me to fill in some forms and that was pretty much it! No test, no blood pressure, nothing. She did say I could ask questions but generally, it was a bit pants. Other than that I can now say I am six weeks pregnant (!) and am due on August 20. Flaming Nora!

After going to the docs, I bought another pregnancy test (an expensive brand name one with a digital readout) and I sneakily weed on it at home and it came up trumps again, saying pregnant and also that I conceived more than three weeks ago. Get me!

Rather inconveniently, hubby had been off work because of snow (none here, but masses at his work) and it was becoming increasingly difficult to do subtle pregnancy research without telling him what I was doing. So, after much internal wrestling, I wrapped the test up (the flash one) and told him I was giving him an early Christmas present.

I think he thought it was a joke to begin with, but then he was excited - I don't think it has really sunk in for either of us yet. But he has been fetching and carrying for me left right and centre, which is of course how it should be.

I'm going to break it to the rest of the family on Christmas Day...

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