Friday, December 11, 2009


I am not very well this week. I had a bit of a dizzy spell at work and went home, then tried to come back the following two days only to be sent home again because I wasn't up to it. The moment I ran out of a meeting because I was about to burst into tears was a particular high point...

This has very little to do with Operation Cobra. As I had a period just over three weeks ago, even if I had got knocked up almost immediately afterwards, it would be far too early for it to have any impact and make me feel woozy. Still, I felt it worth mentioning to the doctor, who I went to see yesterday after my colleagues repeatedly expressed concern (some people are lucky that they don't get headaches and therefore do not understand how debilitating they can be).

I was kind of hoping she might do a pregnancy test anyway, just to be on the safe side, but no, unfortunately she concurred with my fairly reasonable assessment, and sent me off with a prescription for codeine and sumatriptan. I haven't taken codeine before - it's interesting. A little trippy. I find it mildly amusing that often the side effects for drugs you take for headaches and dizziness are - headaches and dizziness. Plus some other stuff I don't even want to consider. Apparently, the codeine doesn't interact with the paracetamol and ibuprofen I was taking, or the sumatriptan for that matter, so if I so desired I could be taking four different types of painkillers. Perhaps a tad excessive.

On the plus side, you're not supposed to take any of these drugs with alcohol so I have a bonafide reason for not drinking - useful, as I am seeing a bunch of friends tonight in a pre-xmas outting that has been arranged for weeks. I wouldn't say I was exactly up to it, but heyho, the giggles may do me good.

I read somewhere that pregnancy can bring on nasty headaches, which is not a good thing. However, apparently if you already get migraines or similar, they often go away when with child. Something to look forward to? I suspect this is wishful thinking, but here's wishing.

I said a little prayer today, as I was heading towards the chemist for my array of legal pharmaceuticals, asking for a child. If you're a believer, maybe you could offer up a prayer for me too, cos I would be a totally ace mum - if you're not, perhaps you could just be rooting for me.

I hope the codeine wooziness dissipates soon, or this is going to be one surreal evening.

1 comment:

  1. I hope it was a good evening :)
    Don't believe everything you read - I don't remember getting any headaches or indeed any much bad effects from pregnancy apart from being enormous and therefore heavy to carry around :)
    Oh and not being able to 'slip' through the crowds at the pub to go to the loo several times in an average evening :)
