Friday, January 01, 2010


Today is New Year's Day, and I am working. The reason I am smug is because for the first time in goodness knows how long, I do not have a hangover on the first day of the year. And the relatively light workload (which will be exchanged for time and a half plus a day in lieu) is a total breeze.

It is, as people seem to have suddenly realised, the end of the decade. I think my life has changed more than it perhaps will at any other time in the last decade. In the past ten years, I have met my future husband, completed my degree, gone to Glastonbury for the first time (then four subsequent times), got my first full-time job, become an aunty, moved in with a partner for the first time, travelled everywhere from Israel and Egypt to Malaysia and Sri Lanka, got married and, in the dying hours of the decade, become pregnant myself.

Of course, this year is set to be a huge sea-change as well, with pregnancy and babies likely to dominate this year then probably at least the following 18. New milestones to look forward to - giving birth (!), leaving my baby for the first time with someone else, kids' first days at schools, then all the things that I did not so very long ago.

I got a letter from the midwife earlier this week, I shall be having my first appointment on February 4. Which is exciting. But I will have to wait until then to know anything more about the bump to be. Maybe I should buy one of those nauseating you and your pregnancy books...


  1. So many wonderful (and not so wonderful) things to look forward to. Btw - 18 years? Try 30 :)
    I recommend this blog.

  2. Actually, so many wonderful things to look back on too :)
