Thursday, January 14, 2010

A sartorial dilemma

It is, I suspect a quandry faced by all pregnant women at some stage. At nine weeks pregnant, I am a long way from showing and I don't think I've put on any weight yet (or not so you'd notice).

However, two of my favourite pairs of jeans need replacing. Not because of porkers preggersness, but because I've worn them so often they have worn through ever so slightly where my thighs rub together. Nice. My normal course of action would be to replace them. But what with? With normal jeans in my normal size, which would probably fit fine right now but not for that much longer? With normal jeans a size up which will be loose for now but prob last a bit longer when I start to bulge, and possibly after I have the baby when I am still a little bit bulbous? Or with a trendy pair of maternity jeans? I have no idea what they will be be like, I read somewhere you're supposed to buy them in your normal size and they're all stretchy and cunning, but I suspect it's a little early for maternity garb.

I did have a quick shifty at preggers stuff in Dorothy Perkins and they had some uber long hoodies which very much took my fancy. Although obviously that in no way solves my current dilemma.

What to do, what to do. Primark may well turn out to be the answer, as their stuff is so cheap it doesn't really matter if I can only wear it for a few months. Although I really should consider slave labour/the environmentally-friendliness of disposable fashion and all that malarkey.

In other news, the tiredness is almost overwhelming now. I went to bed at 8.30pm last night and when I got up at about 8am this morning, all I wanted to do was go back to bed. Life's not fair.

1 comment:

  1. Oh that's a hard one!
    Bit of a giveaway too, those preggy jeans :)
