Thursday, April 01, 2010

Halfway there

I am 20 weeks pregnant today, so officially halfway through my pregnancy. Woohoo!

I am yet to feel the bump (we have christened it Giuseppe because I thought it was a funny name) moving. But depending on which source you go to, it sounds like that first strange sensation may not happen until 20, 22, 24 weeks or even later - while some people get it as early as 16 weeks.

I have been googling '20 weeks pregnant pictures' furiously and the vast majority of them look way more preggers than I do. I am told this is a good thing, because it means when I am about to pop I won't be quite so humungous. I think it is probably because I wasn't stick thin to begin with, although as my best friend E points out, I didn't have a particularly fat belly. I have no idea how much weight I have put on, because I have no idea what I weighed to begin with. One thing is certain - my waistline has gone the way of the dodo.

Life continues to be rather tiring, but I have recently, on more than one occasion, managed to stay up past midnight, about which I am inordinately proud. I'm not sure if I'm blooming exactly, but I don't look too bad and I feel pretty happy.

I had a lovely bout of pregnancy hormones the other day when the stresses of moving house (next Tuesday!) got to me and I could not see past the challenges of shifting a futon, washing machine, desk and fridge. I ended up in tears on the phone to my husband. I am still mildly stressed about moving, and keep wishing that I could wake up one morning and all be moved, but it's not to be.

On another front, I've had my first taste of stress incontinence, which was just lovely. I was having a fairly major allergic reaction to dust while packing, sneezed very hard and a teeny tiny bit of wee came out. Lovely.

I have my anomaly scan next week, which is deeply exciting. We are planning to find out if sproglet will be sporting a willie or a lady garden, although my parents apparently want to be kept in the dark. Good luck with that one...

Hopefully by my next post there will be something exciting to report. I will at least have moved...

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