Saturday, May 29, 2010

Can't be long now...

I think someone has said that to me pretty much every day for the past couple of weeks. Imagine if I was just fat - that would be embarrassing...

I turned up to my salsa class for the first time in a couple of weeks wearing my new super-cool 'mind the bump' t-shirt and my uber camp, uber Italian salsa instructor came over, recited the words in his lovely accent, placed his hands on the bump then gave me a hug. At the end of the class, I asked him to tell me if he thought me and bump were struggling to keep up and he said no quite vehemently, which was reassuring.

People at work ask a lot, and it rather embarrassingly comes up in work-related situations when I am making plans for well ahead and I have to explain that it won't be me doing whatever it is, as I am off on maternity leave. I'm not used to - or particularly comfortable - divulging personal information in a work capacity. It's funny how a visible manifestation of pregnancy is virtually public property, although so far I have been spared the indignity of random strangers coming up for a tummy rub. For the most part, I like the recognition - it seems like it took a really long time for me to look pregnant, and it also gives me an excuse to put my hands on my lower back, push my belly out in that preggers lady, and attract sympathy where needed.

That said, bending down to pick stuff up is becoming a bit of a bitch.

My tummy upset turned out to be a violent but swift attack of the D and Vs, probably norovirus my doctor friend reckons, and other than being able to eat virtually nothing for three days straight and feeling quite drained it left me pretty much unscathed.

Coincidentally, I had a midwife's appointment just after said outbreak and I was told that my dark urine was consistent with dehydration and the presence of ketones in it indicative of the fact I hadn't really been eating. But that I shouldn't worry. So I didn't. Other checks were all good - baby heartbeat all present and correct, fundal height (size of belly measured very technically from the outside using a tape measure) at the text book measurement of 28cm at 28 weeks, etc etc. I was also offered the chance to be weighed, and as I hadn't stepped on a set of scales since my booking appointment, I thought why not - weight gain since 8 weeks of 6kg, or about 13lbs. According to midwife, that's v normal - according to google, perhaps slightly lower than average but I strongly suspect I had already put on a few extra lbs in weeks 1 to 8 so I think it all balances out. She also told me I'm likely to put the same on again. That sounds like less fun.

My wardrobe is becoming more and more limited. There are still a few non-maternity clothes I can rock, but anything trouser related is a no-no. Am contemplating buying a couple more things to make me feel good about myself but wonder if this is an unnecessary indulgence and expense. I did buy an extra pair of (non-maternity) pyjamas from Tesco in a size up from normal but I think this may have been an error of judgement - they are a bit too big to wear under the bump while if I wear them on the bump, they will stretch beyond all human proportions by the end of pregnancy and I won't be able to wear them. Tricky. Heyho, they were only £7 and the bottoms have stars on them.

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