Or delivered by caesarean at any rate. We returned from hospital with Elodie Caitlin today after a mildly trauamatic few days. The full story - in all its instalments - will follow over the next few days if I manage to keep my eyes open long enough. But for now, the following will suffice. After various happenings, we went into hospital on Saturday and she was delivered at 4.30pm by caesarean. She's fine, I'm fine and we're now finally home. All the things I had been firmly hoping not to have, ranging from epidural anaesthesia to a prolonged hospital stay, ended up being pretty much inevitable. And some of it was indeed quite horrible. But the outcome was really very lovely.

Here she is just moments after she was, in the words of Macduff, ripped untimely from her mother's womb.

And this is us at home earlier today.
And finally, in the hospital bed. Not in chronological order I know.
Just one quick thought to leave you with - part of my care plan included intravenous injections of diamorphine into my spine. Diamorphine being the medical name for heroin. And I've got to hand it to all those junkies out there, cos it is bloody good stuff.
More later.
I think you shouldn't hand it to any of those junkies out there. If it's that good keep it to yourself!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations (again : )