There have been some very nice things going on in the last few weeks - my sister has taken me out for lunch twice, as has my mum, and we went to the cinema to see Inception (in the hope that by planning something I wanted to do, baby would throw a spanner in the works). I have done lots and lots of cooking (I now have neither tupperware nor space in my freezer left) and a few less exciting things such as, err, washing the shower curtains.
But I still don't know when things will actually get going. My due date is fairly meaningless, and it would be perfectly normal for nothing to occur for a further two weeks, taking me all the way to September 2... and while lots of boring types assure me that it's worth hanging on for a September baby so the little one gets the advantage of being the oldest, rather than the youngest in the school year, being the one with the sack of concrete in my belly I am rather inclined to disagree. My husband keeps on asking me for any 'surefire signs' that labour is imminent, and basically, there aren't any. Even once contractions start (not even a whisper of Braxton Hicks as far as I can tell), they could stop again and do that over the course of a couple of days. A bloody show might herald imminent labour - but it might still be a week or more before things start moving and I might not even feel it. An irresistible urge to clean is even less clear - but let's be honest, I can't really see myself being overcome with a need to get on all fours to scrub the floor at midnight. As for things like diarrhoea, that would probably just mean last nights dinner had disagreed with me.
I have another appointment with the midwife tomorrow. I had rather hoped not to be able to make it - or to arrive proudly (and perhaps rather painfully) in the early stages of labour, but as yet I see nothing to suggest I shan't be at the doctors bang on time with nothing to report. I suppose they may then offer me such lovely things as dates for a membrane sweep (eurrggh) and the prospect of an induction, and I would rather not have to have either of those things. She will probably suggest natural remedies to get things moving - but I am already pressing my long-suffering husband into service to give me lots of sex (the only natural thing which has any evidence behind it), walking as much as I can manage, drinking raspberry leaf tea and eating spicy food. I have been given guesstimates from various different sources as to when bambino will make an entrance, ranging from yesterday to August bank holiday Monday. I cautiously put my own money on very late tomorrow (as I tend to be early for everything) but I am becoming less and less convinced. The other half thinks maybe Sunday.
Whichever, I hope it's not too much longer. To continue the 'plan something and you won't want to be able to do it' method, we are going to have a nice spicy lunch tomorrow before the midwife appointment, then head to a bumps and babies group. I hope to have more news soon
That tag would be 'remedies for not being in labour'. Wouldn't it?
ReplyDeleteAnyway you don't need them now (I've read the next post)