I think I mentioned I had to give up cycling a couple of weeks ago after a somewhat alarming ride down a hill where I realised I probably couldn't stop if I needed to. And of late I've been having the odd stabbing pain in my right buttock, which could be anything, according to Google, from sciatica to pelvic girdle pain to symphysis pubis dysfunction (please God not that). This is something I've had every now and again throughout pregnancy, but just the odd rather painful jab. It was getting a bit worse on our first day down at Lyme Regis, but still manageable. The following day, which was much cooler, I felt up to a proper walk, so we walked two miles along the coast path and then two miles back. What would be a fairly short walk in normal circumstances. I managed pretty well, slowly, but not too bad. The stabbing pains came a little more frequently on the downhills, but it was okay and the views etc were awesome.
The following day was a nightmare - almost every step caused me serious pain. I had to get my husband to get the car to come and pick me up from the town centre (it was only about a five minute walk away).
It seems to be better again now, and I managed a day walking around Marwell Zoo without too much hardship, but I think the lesson is clear - I really can't walk all that far without it causing me problems. Plus it's just soooo tiring. This doesn't bode particularly well for the first weeks of maternity leave - while waiting for baby to arrive. I have visions of myself soldered to my chair or bed, occasionally heaving my whale-like carcass up to the sink to refill my water glass. Not terribly elegant. Hey ho.
But I'm not going to let it beat me. It's festival time again this weekend, so we're heading to Cornbury Park to mingle with the posh folk and listen to middle of the road bands. Not my normal cup of tea, but 'Poshstock' is probably the best festival if you don't want to expend too much energy. Plus, I quite like the Noisettes. Hubby will be carrying my chair...
Not carrying you then?
ReplyDeleteHope you had a lovely festival