Don't get me wrong, I'm not stuck in a chair/bed in bed rest unable even to scratch my own arse. That would be horrible. No, but since our lovely little trip to Dorset (with the associated crippling sciatica) I have had to downgrade my movements and expectations dramatically. It seemed to happen virtually overnight - in Dorset I managed a cliff-path walk of two miles in each direction. Granted I was more than a little bit rubbish the following day, but a couple of miles of gently meandering was in no way off the table.
Now, however, I have slowed right down - it takes me about double the time to get anywhere and in the last few weeks of work the really quite short walks to and from my bus to work (normally taking about five minutes) were taking longer and longer and actually leaving me genuinely knackered by the time I got to my destination. At about the same time, I realised that my wedding and engagement rings were actually cutting into my fingers and rubbing my skin away, and that my puffy feet and ankles were no longer just making an appearance on hot days when I had been on my feet for some time - they were there all the time. They are actually quite comical, although it is very disconcerting.
So, things have to be adjusted accordingly. I walked to my last appointment at the doctors - granted it took me 35 minutes, but I did it. It will have to be the bus next time. I was hoping to pop along to a 'bumps to babies' class which is about two miles away (with no sensible bus route) - I just don't think I can manage the walk, even if I leave plenty of time.
I worked my last day on Friday (and slipped in a cheeky festival in the weekend - firmly attached to my chair at all times and sending the other half off regularly to fill up my water bottle and go in search of sustenance) and now have what could be one week and could be closer to six before the little'un makes an appearance - and am going to be virtually housebound in the interim. I will post some thoughts on maternity leave v shortly.
Taking into account what I've already said, I need to keep mobile and active as much as possible, so I shall be trying to get out of the house every single day - even if only to waddle up the road to the park, round it once and then back home again.
Have a good waddle today : )