I'm beginning to see everything in numbers:
30 weeks pregnant
6 weeks to my last day at work
26 days left to work
3lbs the weight of the baby
6kg gained
40cm length of the baby
28cm fundal height
Although of course there are variations in some of these.
I am also searching for some other numbers - how many weeks before I should have my hospital bag packed? Date of baby shower? Price per nappy of the cheapest nappies? Haemoglobin level? Amount of ice cream it is acceptable to eat in the third trimester? Square root of 144?
Ok, I know the last one of those, but you get the picture.
I feel I am having a pretty easy pregnancy, which makes me wonder (in whispers) if a lot of women are drama queens who take advantage of being up the duff... or if I'm just very lucky. The books tell me I could be expecting all kinds of delightful developments by this stage, including constipation, varicose veins, mood swings again, swelling of hands and feet, extreme tiredness combined with insomnia again, heartburn, haemerrhoids, Braxton Hicks contractions, shortness of breath, constant need to pee and perhaps most delightlfully, increased vaginal discharge. Lovely.
All I can complain of is very slightly puffy ankles and fingers after hot days (hardly surprising), getting out of puff a bit faster than normal and a few nights which have featured a certain amount of tossing and turning. Not much to write home about really. I do waddle a bit and struggle somewhat with picking things up from the floor, but honestly, it's not that bad.
Let's hope I remain in this nice happy low-risk category for the next few weeks.